torsdag 20 november 2014

The challenges of navigation

So when you are getting to know a new city, you kinda have to learn to make your way around not only once, but several times.
You need to learn to navigate in clear weather. At daytime. Then you have to learn it during night time (or just in the afternoon if it's up north). And then you have to do it all over again if it happens to be as foggy as in the Silent Hill games.
Ok, but that's it, right? Umm, no. Don't forget there are different seasons during the year. A place can look completely different in winter time compared to summer time.

So I have been doing a lot of walking since I moved here a little more than a week ago :D
But I enjoy it! It's a great way to get to know the city and to discover places and details.

They say tomorrow it will be snowing... We'll see what adventures I'm in for then..

Ciao! :D

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